Saturday, 5 April 2014

Keeping at it

Week one of maintaining my weight and I've actually lost a wee bit, so I think a bit of tinkering may be in order! I promised myself a bit of a reward for reaching target and here it is...
Pretty isn't it? And it's got so many pockets I can't imagine what I'm going to use them all for. I've never used a hydration pack before so that going to be an experience - I'll report back on that one!
I've not managed any cycling this week with the weather being stuck in a cold, grey rut. It's been milder today so I'm hoping for a better week this week. Whether the weather picks up or not I'm going to have to get back in the saddle and get some hill climbs in.
I'll be off to the allotment tomorrow to sow some of the big stash of seeds that arrived in the post this week. Off the top of my head that includes peas, tomatoes, Beetroot, courgette, kohl rabi, salad, herbs, kale, leeks. Enough to keep me busy for a while! Oh, and I have my cocktail garden that I got for Christmas to sow too.
Dinner tonight was interesting - a work buddy gave me a cockerel of all things, so that spent the afternoon in the slow cooker with a bottle of red wine and some veggies for a genuine coq au vin, which went down well with mashed potatoes and a pile of cabbage. I really don't use the slow cooker as often as I should. It really does do wonders with what would otherwise be tough chewy meat!

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